1430 Bengali Annaprashan Dates with Muhurat or Shubh Timings

Bengali Annaprashan Dates 1430 (অন্নপ্রাশন তারিখ 1430 শুভ মুহূর্ত ও লগ্ন) Know the Most Auspicious Bengali Annaprashan Dates in 2023-2024, বাংলা কালেন্ডার 1430 অন্নপ্রাশন তারিখ.

Annaprashan is a significant event in Bengali culture and is celebrated with great enthusiasm. It is a traditional Hindu ceremony where a baby is introduced to solid food for the first time.

1430 Bengali Annaprashan Dates with Muhurat or Shubh Timings
1430 Bengali Annaprashan Dates with Muhurat or Shubh Timings

The ceremony is usually held when the baby is around six months old. Annaprashan is also known as Mukhe Bhaat in Bengali, which translates to “rice in mouth.”

The popular Annaprashan dates in the Bengali calendar for the year 1430 are as follows:

1430 Baisakh Bengali Annaprashan Dates

Bengali DateEnglish DateDay
09 Baisakh 143023 April 2023Sunday
10 Baisakh 143024 April 2023Monday
19 Baisakh 143003 May 2023Wednesday

1430 Jaistha Bengali Annaprashan Dates

Bengali DatesEnglish DatesDay
6 Jaistho 143021 May 2023Sunday
7 Jaistho 143022 May 2023Monday
9 Jaistho 143024 May 2023Wednesday
14 Jaistho 143029 May 2023Monday
17 Jaistho 143001 June 2023Thursday

1430 Aashar Bengali Annaprashan Dates

Bengali DateEnglish DateDay
05 Aashar 143021 June 2023Wednesday
12 Aashar 143028 June 2023Wednesday

1430 Shraban Bengali Annaprashan Dates

Bengali DateEnglish DateDay
02 Shraban 143019 July 2023Wednesday
06 Shraban 143023 July 2023Sunday
10 Shraban 143027 July 2023Thursday
11 Shraban 143028 July 2023Friday

1430 Bhadra Bengali Annaprashan Dates

Bengali DateEnglish DateDay
03 Bhadra 143021 August 2023Monday

1430 Aashin Bengali Annaprashan Dates

Bengali DateEnglish DateDay
02 Aashin 143020 September 2023Wednesday
09 Aashin 143027 September 2023Wednesday
28 Aashin 143016 October 2023Monday

1430 Kartik Bengali Annaprashan Dates

Bengali DateEnglish DateDay
01 Kartik 143019 October 2023Thursday
08 Kartik 143026 October 2023Thursday
28 Kartik 143015 October 2023Wednesday

1430 Agrahan Bengali Annaprashan Dates

Bengali DateEnglish DateDay
28 Agrahan 143015 December 2023Friday

1430 Poush Bengali Annaprashan Dates

Bengali DateEnglish DateDay
04 Poush 143021 December 2023Thursday
05 Poush 143022 December 2023Friday
28 Poush 143014 January 2024Sunday

1430 Magh Bengali Annaprashan Dates

Bengali DateEnglish DateDay
27 Magh 143011 February 2024Sunday

1430 Phalgun Bengali Annaprashan Dates

Bengali DateEnglish DayDay
01 Phalgun 143014 February 2024Wednesday
06 Phalgun 143019 February 2024Monday
09 Phalgun 143022 February 2024Thursday
29 Phalgun 143013 March 2024Wednesday

1430 Chaitra Bengali Annaprashan Dates

Bengali DateEnglish DateDay
08 Chaitra 143022 March 2024Friday
27 Chaitra 143010 April 2024Wednesday
28 Chaitra 143011 April 2024Thursday

The Annaprashan ceremony is usually performed by a priest or a purohit. The ceremony begins with a puja, where the baby is blessed with prayers and holy water. The baby is then placed on the lap of their father or an elder male member of the family, who feeds them the first morsel of solid food. This is followed by other family members and guests feeding the baby.

Bengali Calendar 1430

বৈশাখ 1430জ্যৈষ্ঠ 1430
আষাঢ় 1430শ্রাবণ 1430
ভাদ্র 1430আশ্বিন 1430
কার্ত্তিক 1430অগ্রহায়ণ 1430
পৌষ 1430মাঘ 1430
ফাল্গুন 1430চৈত্র 1430

In Bengali culture, the Annaprashan ceremony is considered to be an auspicious occasion, and the date for the ceremony is chosen carefully. The date is typically chosen based on the baby’s horoscope and the Bengali calendar.

The Bengali calendar, also known as the Bangla calendar, is a traditional calendar used in Bangladesh and the Indian states of West Bengal, Tripura, and Assam. The calendar is based on the solar and lunar cycles and is used to determine important festivals and events.

1430 Bengali Annaprashan Dates with Muhurat or Shubh Timings
1430 Bengali Annaprashan Dates with Muhurat or Shubh Timings

To find the Annaprashan date, the family consults with a purohit or an astrologer who uses the baby’s horoscope and the Bengali calendar to determine the most auspicious date and time for the ceremony. The ceremony is usually held on an auspicious day, such as a full moon day, a new moon day, or a day that is considered to be lucky according to the Bengali calendar.

In the Bengali calendar, the months are named after seasons, festivals, and agricultural activities. The Annaprashan ceremony is usually held during the months of Baishakh (April-May) or Jaistha (May-June), which is the time when rice is harvested in Bengal.

The Annaprashan ceremony is an important event in Bengali culture, and the date for the ceremony is chosen based on the baby’s horoscope and the Bengali calendar. The ceremony is typically held during the months of Baishakh or Jaistha, and it is a time for family and friends to come together and celebrate the baby’s first taste of solid food.

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